Implementing ISO 45001
from OHSAS 18001

Implementation from an OHSAS 18001 certificate to an ISO 45001 certificate can be a smooth process with the correct approach. We provide you with recommendations and tools for the transition from OHSAS 18001 certification to ISO 45001. Organizations have three years to make the transition after the publication of ISO 45001 in 2018. Although organizations are allowed this amount of time, it is logical (and also recommended) that organizations make the transition during their recertification period.
Transition Timeline
The transition timeline for ISO 45001:2018 is three years. The world’s first occupational health and safety international standard was published on March 12th, 2018. This means your transition will need to be completed by March 2021.
Recertification requires a complete audit of the OHSAS system, and therefore it is the best time to transition and also minimizes the time required to study the new standard. The organization needs to be honest and realistic with itself to determine if there is enough time between the point of publication and the recertification. If not, another great time to transition is during the point of a surveillance audit. The certifying body will need to take more time to determine if the requirements of the new standard are fully met.
ISO 45001 was published in March of 2018.
Benefits of an Early Transition
The migration of OHSAS into ISO reflects the needs and challenges of globalization today, and the health and safety standards globally. OHSAS was originally developed in England in 1999 but has been moved to be a part of ISO to more effectively address global standards today.
Steps to Implement ISO 45001 from OHSAS 18001
There are several steps for organizations that are transitioning from OHSAS 18001 to 45001. Recommended steps to take for the transition are:
- Obtain a copy of ISO 45001
- Identify all gaps in OHSAS 18001 in response to the new standard, to meet all new requirements
- Develop a plan for your organization to implement the new standard
- Understand the required documents for certification.
- Ensure that all new competency needs are met. Organizations must create awareness for all parties that have an impact on the effectiveness of the OHSMS.
- Organizations must update their existing OHSMS system to meet all new requirements and provide verification of effectiveness.
- Establish a working relationship with their certification body for migration arrangements including any training needs and gap analysis.
Products to Help with Transition
ISO 45001 is the world’s first International Standard dealing with health and safety. The ISO 45001 standard follows the same high-level structure as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and therefore it makes implementing more than one standard easier for organizations.
When your company is looking to transition from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001, efficiency is going to be your number one goal and therefore we have developed some tools to help with the transition.
- OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018 Gap Checklist
- ISO 45001 Certification Packages
- Introduction to ISO 45001 -PPT
- Steps to ISO 45001 Certification
- If you are working on transitioning please Sign-up for the ISO 45001 Newsletter.