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ISO 45001 uses a PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT Model

Employing Plan > Do > Check > Act (PDCA) cycles are one of the most established among management system control procedures. But for OH&S, they have been elevated and broadened under ISO 45001 by:

  • Making PDCA more integral to the entire health and safety management process, including structuring upcoming ISO standard revisions around it such as the ISO 45001 OHSMS standard. It is discussed explicitly in the standard’s introduction but implied throughout including in:
  • Making it a stated element of the risk management approach which itself replaces “preventive action” in the standard to align health and safety goals and processes with operational approaches
  • Moving continual improvement – (see sustained success below in this page) from a delegated position to a direct management responsibility (section 9.3).
  • The Inputs of a PDCA cycle now should include the Context of the Organization and the “Needs, Expectations & Requirements of Relevant Parties.”

Here are PDCA’s basic concepts:


Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver expected results. By making the desired output the focus, it ensures that the completeness and accuracy of the specification is also part of the improvement.

When defining the objectives,

  • Define: owner, customer, customer requirements
  • Identify/Provide inputs, outputs, resources required, monitoring method & measurement method


Implement the new processes. 


Measure the new processes and compare the results against the expected results to determine any differences.


Analyze the differences to determine their cause. Each will be part of either one or more of the P-D-C-A steps. Take Corrective Action, Preventive Action OR Improve the Process

Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement. When these four steps do not result in the need to improve, refine the scope to which PDCA is applied until there is a plan that involves improvement.

The PDCA approach enables the organization to meet identified objectives and requirements and deliver continual improvement.

Continual Improvement and Sustained Success

What is ISO 9004:2009 for continual improvement


See ISO 9004 Checklist Details

ISO 9004:2009 is an International standard and a guidance document for Managing for the sustained success of an organization. It represents a management approach that can be applied to standards such as ISO 45001, ISO 14001, and ISO 9001.

ISO 9004 now includes information on managing for the sustained success of an organization. The standard has had substantial changes made to its structure and contents. ISO 9004 is intended to examine satisfaction for interested parties.

What is sustained success?

The sustained success of an organization is the result of its ability to achieve and maintain its objectives in the long-term. The achievement of sustained success for any organization is a complex and demanding challenge with ever-changing conditions.

How can sustained success be achieved?

  • By meeting the needs and expectations of all interested parties, such as workers and customers
  • By the effective management of your organization
  • Through awareness of the context of your organization
  • By learning and improving.

How can the ISO 9004:2009 Standard help?

  • Will provide your organization with guidance and support to achieve sustained success of a management system. It can be used by any organization, regardless of size, type, and activity.
  • Promotes self-assessment as an important tool for the review of the maturity level of your organization. It covers leadership, strategy, management system, resources, and processes, to identify areas of strength and weakness and opportunities for improvements and innovations.
  • Can be used alongside other management system standards, but can also be used independently.
  • Is not intended for certification, regulatory or contractual use.

You can learn more about general ISO approaches including ISO 45001 Training by visiting our site at 45001Store.com.



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